The Palm-Wine Drinkard (book review) Amos Tutuola
140718: this is read 3 times. this is the book that made his name. it has been translated but i do not know how: a lot of the pleasure is...
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We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that. MichaelKamakana serves as a vessel to project my passions, and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world. So, sit back, relax, and read on.
140718: this is read 3 times. this is the book that made his name. it has been translated but i do not know how: a lot of the pleasure is...
220315: 6th review. just cannot help rereading this, though not much new to add, except maybe it is more convincing that life in...
220114: having read a few austrian novels, several jelinek, in particular [book:The Piano Teacher|764953], i have general idea that it is...
211227: not quite the end of the year but not likely to read much more. big decision this year was that when i reached an arbitrary...
201119: well this is conundrum for though it is not like there are no other books to read, the question is- should i try to read it in...
(New Crobuzon, #1) 210612: the length of this book intimidated me. i have not read it for twenty years because of this. now, after...
(New Crobuzon, #2) 210712: actually maybe less than five- but i did read it in three sittings. seems to be quibbling to say i never liked...
030811: powerful story weaving together the madness of civilization destroying itself by war, and the end of a way of life, beautifully...
051010 second review: i just read it again. realized this is perhaps my favourite goodis- probably for the doomed romance plot. here the...
211121: another reason to improve my french reading. read at least three times. this slim novella is exactly what i want in romance:...
Carol Marks (Translator) 291212: here is a book that uses no particular structural innovations, that on occasion slips to present tense,...
C. Dickson (Translator) if you like this review, i now have website: 211120: decided to read this again, decided...
170319: probably the most fun i have ever had with any book over 225 years old. except maybe the windmill guy. but then my idea of ‘fun’...
220319: fun./review to come... ok review now days later. we lived in bruxelles when my father was on sabbatical so my parents really...
200625: how many times i have read this i am not sure (5?). definitely favorite, this is one of the first noir read, and though so short...
200704: vision of argentina in 1975, the height of the ‘dirty war’, from three perspectives. the gods are from classical mythology, the...
200710: this five does not mean i understand it all, but as with philosophy i enjoy not understanding. i am not scientific but my father...
Lisa Dillman (Translator), Edmund White (Foreword) 200721: there are some beautiful images here, some haunting, hurting narratives,...
Lorin Stein (Translator) 200728: brutal, benign, bewildering, beautiful (now i have to read 'wittgenstein's mistress'...). as mentioned...
Jonathan Wright (Translator) 200823: dark, satiric, violent, postmodern. this vision of Baghdad in the early years of this 21st century...