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The World of Edena (book review) Mœbius

(Le Monde d'Edena #1-4)

Laure Dupont (Translator),

Brandon Kander (Translator),

Diana Schutz (Goodreads Author) (Translator),

Philip R. Simon (Translator)

120119 much later addition: i tried to ‘look’ more than ‘read’ this time, to counter embedded literary prejudice. i have been told that the reading should be fast, just flipping through images, like watching movies, so decided to pretend this was only in french (or some language i cannot guess at...) and narrative coherence not important. in this way i can now say it is not no story, but truly should be thought as images telling the story, of dreams within dreams within dreams... i have always been impressed. i must have first read this as kid, dismissed it as comics, must now reaffirm my five...

290418 first review: friend comics illustrator riley rossmo has told me that french graphic art is often beautiful but the stories are not compelling. this is certainly the case here. but then we have disagreement about primary value of graphic work, or comics, in that he likes stories which i prefer in written form, in that i prefer images and stories that cannot be told any other way...

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