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Madhyamaka and Yogacara: Allies or Rivals? (review) Jay L. Garfield

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241119: dense, difficult book of essays on evolution these two primary schools of Mahayana buddhism, for serious, academic readers who already know some buddhism, have familiarity with terms, concepts, who have integrated an understanding of similarity and differences of this is how they are allies and rivals, how they have the same buddhist metaphysics, often same sutras quoted, some in opposition to Hindu thought, and this is how they are allies but interpretation show that are so different they are rivals...

briefly, madhymaka is all about the ultimate emptiness of... everything, including itself, the emptiness of emptiness. yogacara is neither first nor only thought that questions how this does not lead to nihilism, with the Yogacara solution seems to be everything is empty... but for our consciousness. because this is philosophical text from the west, particularly anglo, there are references to supporting western philosophers (who came much later and may have bee influenced by). I cannot give this five as my fault of lack of education. this is graduate text, or professional text...

if you want more: [book:Wisdom Beyond Words: The Buddhist Vision of Ultimate Reality|4329466]

[book:Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment|32895535]

more technical:

[book:The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way: Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā|1048288]


[book:Innovative Buddhist Women: Swimming Against the Stream|1480709]

[book:Women in the Footsteps of the Buddha: Struggle for Liberation in the Therigatha|11200695]

[book:Gender Equality in Buddhism|12180850]

[book:Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment|32895535]

[book:Buddhism: A Philosophical Approach|18443946]

[book:What the Buddha Thought|6980500]

[book:Nietzsche and Buddhist Philosophy|22619704]

[book:Buddhist Philosophy: A Historical Analysis|1709074]

[book:Buddhism as Philosophy: An Introduction|2487511]

[book:Ethics Embodied: Rethinking Selfhood Through Continental, Japanese, and Feminist Philosophies|9447857]

[book:After Buddhism: Rethinking the Dharma for a Secular Age|25246817]

[book:What the Buddha Thought|6980500]

[book:Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment|32895535]

[book:Buddhist Philosophy: Essential Readings|6531274]

[book:Buddhism as Philosophy: An Introduction|2487511]

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[book:After Buddhism: Rethinking the Dharma for a Secular Age|25246817]

[book:Philosophers of Nothingness: An Essay on the Kyoto School|979829]

[book:The Kyoto School|21349529]

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[book:Buddhism: A Philosophical Approach|18443946]

[book:What the Buddha Thought|6980500]

[book:Wisdom Beyond Words: The Buddhist Vision of Ultimate Reality|4329466]

[book:Buddhism as Philosophy: An Introduction|2487511]

[book:An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy|2280672]

[book:Why I Am Not a Buddhist|44439993]

[book:Why I Am a Buddhist: No-Nonsense Buddhism with Red Meat and Whiskey|6716321]

[book:Indian Buddhist Philosophy: Metaphysics as Ethics|15956276]

[book:The Vimalakirti Sutra|868424]

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